Become A Member

In order to maintain the high standards set forth by the ABA we extend these same high standards on to our membership. Experience is a necessity, along with exceptional character and integrity. The application process is important, and should be conducted with an understanding that becoming a member of LRIS requires commitment, involvement and integrity –attributes that are essential and valued. LRIS processes all applications with great consideration and seriousness, and we request the same from each and every applicant.

LRIS Application Process

  1. Every applicant must read the LRIS Rules.
  2. To become a panelist on the Lawyer Referral and Information Service, please contact the LRIS team at or call 410-539-5936 ext. 111. An application and a list of information needed will be sent to you to fill out. Once the committee approves your application, you will be able to receive referrals.
  3. Mail your dues payment to:
    111 North Calvert Street
    Courthouse East, Room 629
    Baltimore, MD 21202

Benefits of Joining

Are you thinking about joining LRIS? See all the benefits…

  • Increase your book of business
  • A cost-effective way to receive prescreened clients
  • Receive FREE invitations to sponsored C.L.E. Events
  • Increase your visibility within the Bar Association of Baltimore City

Read Member’s Testimonials Here.

Program Overview

Once a member, you will receive referrals from our office of potential clients that have been screened by our staff.

For each area of law you are qualified to practice (see Rules for qualifications), you will become a member of that panel. For instance, if you practice criminal and tax law, you will become a member of the criminal law and tax law panels. Client referrals are sent to you on a rotation basis on each panel for which you are signed up.

Attorney Testimonials

“My association with Lawyer Referral has been very rewarding in that it has given me the opportunity to assist clients who turned to Lawyer Referral after other legal services were unable to assist them.” By Brian S.

“My LRIS membership has provided me with an easy way to fulfill my pro bono obligation, and also referred me some very good cases.” By Bruce G.

“As a new attorney, LRIS has assisted me in growing my client base… and the people who work here are great too!” By Lauren G.

“LRIS is an invaluable resource to any lawyer looking to build their practice.” By Avery S.

“Lawyer Referral is my lifeline for getting cases in the area of law most interesting to me. I enjoy the volunteer hours because the questions people ask force me to remember areas of the law I studied but may practice some day. The ladies –Alicia, Ernestine and Joy, are very knowledgeable about so many things, and are great to work with.” By Jeri D.

Membership FAQ

How long does it take for my application to be approved?

The length of the application process varies, depending on a number of factors. However, the typical application process takes two weeks.

What is the applicant interview?

The applicant interview is conducted by a member of the LRIS Committee. This committee member will contact you via telephone to review your application with you, confirm your qualifications, review LRIS’ Rules and assess your understanding of our rules. It is strongly advised that you review these Rules prior to submitting your application. Following your interview, the committee member will make a decision on your application.

Once I am a member, what is the process of receiving a referral?

You will receive written notice that your application has been approved. At that point, referrals may be received instantly.

When we send a referral client to your office, as a courtesy, our paralegals will call personally to transfer the client. However, due to call volume (or the client’s request to not be transferred immediately) this is not guaranteed. Regardless, you will always receive a Confirmation Report via email notifying you of the referral client, contact information and the details of their case. The client will contact you to schedule a consultation. The client will pay the $35 fee (either to our office via credit card, or in person at your office), which entitles them to a 30 minute consultation.

You are responsible for completing and returning the Confirmation Report within 30 days of the referral and notify us on the status of the referral. In addition, you are responsible for forwarding any $35 referral fees received by the client to our office.

What if I am receiving referrals for practice areas that I do not handle?

We refer cases to you solely based on your application. If your practice area focus has changed since completing your application, please contact our office immediately, and direct the referral client back to our office.

Can I send clients whom I can not assist to another attorney?

Re-referring clients is absolutely prohibited, and can result in an immediate suspension of your membership. This INCLUDES re-referring to members and non-members of LRIS. If you can not directly assist a referral client, we ask that you send them back to our office so that we can send them to another member that may be able to assist them. There is no exception to this policy.

What are the cost and fees for membership?

Dues are paid each calendar year (BABC Members: $225, Newly Admitted BABC Members: $205, and Non-BABC Members: $365). Payment is made out to BABC LRIS via check or online. This fee contains a $75 advertising surcharge which supports publicity and exposure of LRIS in the market.

In addition, LRIS collects 15% of all fees earned by the attorney regarding the initial matter. This means that if the client comes back to you (the attorney), 5 months or 1 year after the fact with a new issue, LRIS is not entitled to percentage fees.

I have a home office. Would this be an issue?

Each LRIS member must maintain a law office which is clearly identifiable to the public as such, separate and distinct from any other business or residence, unless both are within a building architecturally designed to completely separate the residential or other business from the LRIS attorney’s law office area. An individual whose workspace does not comply with these requirements must arrange to meet with clients in a permissible law office for the initial consultation.